Embellished with spooky decors, hearty snacks, and bags of treats, RUDOLF LIETZ, INC. celebrated once again the Halloween season this year with a theme “HalloWorld: RLI’s Halloween Trick or Treat 2017”, last October 27th. RLI employees enthusiastically participated in the event and donned their well-crafted petrifying costumes, demonstrating the supernatural folklore from all the continents of the world. The employees were divided into seven groups, representing the countries of the continent that their group randomly picked. Employees adorned the office with their colorful and quirky costumes, while doing their daily work routines even before and after the event.

East meets West inside the RLI Office.
Aside from costumes planning and designing, each group also prepared a short presentation that was uniquely formed from the blend of diverse cultures of the continent that they were assigned with.
The event was spearheaded by the HR Department, and was aided with the artistic hands of the volunteers.
The winner of the group presentation is the RMD 3 group, representing the ancient vampire families of medieval Europe. The second place was

RLI Team in their Halloween costumes while doing their daily routine in the office.
secured by the RMD 2 group, which presented a cultural dance number while in their Asian zombies-inspired attires; while the third spot was held by the group of personnel from the Accounting, Finance and Management Team Departments, who gave a dance number inspired by a hit Mexican telenovela, while in their traditional Mexican/Aztec outfits.
Individual Best Costume Awards were also handed to two (2) male and female contestants, who wore the best Halloween-inspired traditional costumes during the event. All group and individual winners received cash prizes.

RLI CEO Mrs. Elizabeth S.P. Lietz, giving an opening message during the “HalloWorld” Halloween party.
Rumor has it that the theme for next year’s Halloween celebration will be TV-series inspired. Nonetheless, the organizers assured that the next year’s event will be at par, if not better, than the HalloWorld 2017.